Country: India
Stall No: DD2

Pooja Sales established since 1987 as door and window system designer withtheir hardware & accessories manufacture ...

Pooja Sales established since 1987 as door and window system designer withtheir hardware & accessories manufacturer and exporter, Pooja Sales engagedin research, development, manufacture and marketing of fitting for door andwindows, through many years of development, Pooja Sales achieves a goodreputation in door and window industry and launched new brand HIVIK in 2018for new innovated & Luxurious products.-Pooja Sales has a factory of 190000 sq. ft. area and more than 450 employees,including experienced technical and managerial personnel, with a developingsales network both home and abroad, its products are distributed through Indiaand Export to more than 15 countries.-Pooja Sales manufacture and supply more than 2800 specialist hardwareproducts,-Our philosophy is based on complete consumer satisfaction through design,higher accuracy of manufacturing and marketing of cutting edge solution in linewith market demand,-our VISION is to be the world leader in hardware and engineering productsmanufacturer and related services, we make the world excellent by givingremarkable products in moderate cost and will get our customers enthusiasmdriven by integrity, teamwork and innovation of Pooja Sales individuals.-Pooja Sales have completed the 34 years journey to build a greater door andwindow industry by providing most innovative window hardware products. usingan exceptive of our in-house research & development, we are continually workingon new solution to produce new products. Pooja Sales has been a market leaderin offering a wide range of architectural hardware products, customize productsand complete solutions catering to individual demands of construction & buildingindustry

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